Our Services

Space Maintainers

Space Maintainers

in Dentistry for KIDDS

At Dentistry for KiDDS, we prioritize your child’s smile. Our Space Maintainers service ensures the natural alignment of their teeth for a healthy future.

Why Space Maintainers Matter

Space maintainers are crucial devices for preserving the space following the premature loss of a baby tooth. They prevent neighboring teeth from shifting, avoiding potential alignment issues and ensuring ample space for the proper eruption of permanent teeth.

When Does Your Child Need Space Maintainers?

Space maintainers may be recommended for your child in cases such as early loss of baby teeth, delayed eruption of permanent teeth, orthodontic treatment plans, or the need to preserve tooth alignment. Our experienced pediatric dentists will assess your child’s situation during routine checkups and recommend space maintainers as needed.

What to Expect During the Space Maintainer Process

Get a space maintainer easily with our minimally invasive process:

  1. Consultation: Our dentist assesses your child’s needs and discusses the benefits.
  2. Customization: We tailor the space maintainer for a comfortable fit if needed.
  3. Placement: Gently inserted to hold space for the permanent tooth.
  4. Checkups: Regular visits monitor progress and overall oral health.
  5. Removal: When the permanent tooth is ready, we safely remove the space maintainer for natural growth.

The Benefits of Space Maintainers

Space maintainers benefit your child’s dental health by preserving alignment, preventing orthodontic issues, promoting healthy chewing and speech, and enhancing confidence through a well-aligned smile.

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